Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy will help you understand how MD ONBOARD uses and protects the data you provide to us when you visit and use the website.

Email Communications – Your Choices

You always have the option to unsubscribe from any MD ONBOARD marketing communications emails by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of marketing emails that you receive. In general, the communications you receive from MD ONBOARD are a direct response to your inquiry and cannot be opted out.

Personal Information You Choose To Submit

Submitting personal information (name, address, telephone number, email address, etc.) is voluntary and is not required to access information on our website. If you choose to provide MD ONBOARD with personal information—for example, by completing a “Contact Us” form, requesting an appointment, signing up for an event, or completing a survey—we may use that information to respond to your message and/or help us get you the information or services you requested.

Information We Collect Passively

When you browse through our website, we use a number of tools to gather and store information about your visit, including, but not limited to:

Google’s Universal Analytics: MD ONBOARD uses Google’s Universal Analytics (UA) software to gather and store information about your visit. However, this information cannot be used to identify you as an individual. It is only used in aggregate to help understand how well our site is meeting the needs of our users and how we can best improve its performance. The aggregate data is only available to our Digital Strategy team and select staff members who require access to perform their job duties. The basic information we collect includes:

The Google Analytics Privacy Policy is available at

DoubleClick: MD ONBOARD uses DoubleClick to understand the characteristics and demographics of the people who visit the MD ONBOARD website. MD ONBOARD staff only conduct analyses on the aggregated data from DoubleClick. No personally identifiable information is collected by DoubleClick from MD ONBOARD. The DoubleClick Privacy Policy is available at You can opt-out of receiving DoubleClick advertising at

Google AdWords: MD ONBOARD uses Google AdWords to provide online advertisement delivery and tracking. MD ONBOARD may employ tools provided by Google AdWords to support Display Advertising, including Remarketing, Google Display Network Impression Reporting, data collection via advertising cookies and anonymous identifiers, the DoubleClick Campaign Manager integration and/or Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting. In general, this means that third-party vendors, including Google, may show MD ONBOARD ads on sites across the Internet based upon visits to MD ONBOARD website. To implement these tools, MD ONBOARD and third-party vendors, including Google, use first-party cookies and third-party cookies together to inform, optimize, and serve ads based on past visits to the MD ONBOARD website. The Google AdWords Privacy Policy is available at

Google Analytics: MD ONBOARD may employ tools provided by Google Analytics to support Display Advertising, including Remarketing, Google Display Network Impression Reporting, data collection via advertising cookies and anonymous identifiers, the DoubleClick Campaign Manager integration and/or Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting. In general, this means that third-party vendors, including Google, may show MD ONBOARD ads on sites across the Internet based upon visits to the MD ONBOARD website. To implement these tools, MD ONBOARD and third-party vendors, including Google, use first-party cookies and third-party cookies together to inform, optimize, and serve ads based on past visits to MD ONBOARD website. The Google Analytics Privacy Policy is available at

Mobile App Permissions

Based on your device or app permission settings, mobile apps may access information from the device with your permission. You will be able to grant or deny the permissions on your device, this may affect the usability of certain features within our app. The information we may access includes:

Understanding Cookies

Our website can automatically place small text files, known as “cookies,” on the computers of their visitors. So long as they do not expire or get deleted, cookies identify the unique browser used by the visitor. On each subsequent visit to the website, the visitor’s browser will retrieve the cookie, allowing us to aggregate the number of return visitors. MD ONBOARD uses “cookies” to test and optimize our website design and content. We use two types of cookies on our website:

Blocking session cookies from your computer will not affect your access to the content and tools on our website. Blocking multi-session or persistent cookies may affect the personalization of the information on those sites. Kindly refer to our Cookie Policy for more information. [insert link to Cookie Policy]

Website Security

We employ commercially reasonable measures to safeguard the collection, transmission and storage of the information we collect. These measures vary based on the sensitivity of the information that we collect, process and store and the current state of technology. We use software programs to monitor traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information or other types of malicious use. Information collected from these sources may be used to help identify an individual in the event of a criminal investigation or as required by any legal process.

 Visiting an Official MD ONBOARD Page on Third-Party Websites

We maintain accounts on third-party websites, such as social media sites, as tools to better interact with the public. The security and privacy policies of third-party websites apply to your activity on those sites. Users of third-party websites often share information with the general public, user community, and/or the third-party operating the website. You should review the privacy policies of all websites before using them and ensure that you understand how your information may be used. You should also adjust the privacy settings on your account on any third-party website to match your preferences.

Common third-party website privacy policies used by MD ONBOARD:

Information collected and used from third-party websites

If you have an account/profile with a third-party website, and choose to follow, like, friend, or comment on a third-party website managed by MD ONBOARD, certain personal information associated with your account may be made available to us based on the privacy policies of the third-party website and your privacy settings within that website. We do not share personally identifiable information made available through these websites.

MD ONBOARD conducts and publishes a Privacy Impact Assessment for each use of a third-party website. Each use of a third-party website may have unique features or practices. MD ONBOARD sometimes collects and uses the information made available through third-party websites.

Contacting Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or wish to exercise any of your rights as described herein, please contact the Privacy Protection Officer at

We will attempt to resolve any complaints regarding the use of your Personal Data in accordance with this Privacy Policy.